Bug - Fixed food helper consumed at chez snootee


Staff member
Buy and eat 1 candy mountain oyster for 22 Meat
You gain 3 Adventures
You gain 14 Beefiness
You gain 21 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 18 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Sugar Rush (10)
You spent 22 Meat
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-1)
I had a jar of swamp honey in inventory. As you can tell, it was used up - and KoL removed it from inventory - but we did not detect that.

I don't know if there was a "you dip the xxx in swamp honey" message - if not, that would be a KoL bug - but we only check for consumption messages in EatItemRequest, and this was a ChezSnooteeRequest.

If there is a message, perhaps we should extract EatItemRequest's consumption helper detection into a new method and use that one from ChezSnooteeRequest - or perhaps CafeRequest; what about the Crimbo Cafe?
You dip the carob chunk cookies in swamp honey before you eat it. Mmmmm!

You eat the carob-chunk cookies. You fight the urge to do some yoga.
Adventures You gain 6 Adventures.
You gain 11 Beefiness.
You gain 19 Wizardliness.
You gain 17 Cheek.
Meat You spent 141 Meat.
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (2 Adventures)
Confirmed that you get the expected message from Chez Snootee food.
Working on it...
Revision 15812 should handle this.

In order to handle all the consumption helpers, I moved fullness processing into the food helper function, too. This also means that mayo should be handled, if needed, for Chez Snootee food.

I notice that Mayodial apparently converts fullness to inebriety, but I don't see anything that does that; we always increment fullness. But, that's an issue for another New Content thread...
I notice that Mayodial apparently converts fullness to inebriety, but I don't see anything that does that; we always increment fullness. But, that's an issue for another New Content thread...
The code was between Carboloading handling and Mayo Minder processing, but r15812 removed it by accident.
Actually, no - I moved that to the end where it actually adjusts your fullness. I.e., I got rid of the "reduceFullness" variable.

OK, fine - I see how that works now. Mayodiol only converts a single fullness to inebriety - which we pick up from api/charpane.