Every fight in that path is two fights. I assume you can flyer for both the bodyguard and the actual monster.
Yes, I see that in his log.
[287] Near an Abandoned Refrigerator
Preference lastEncounter changed from bellhop acting as the bodyguard to a spider gremlin to spider gremlin
Encounter: spider gremlin
[287] Near an Abandoned Refrigerator
Preference lastEncounter changed from spider gremlin to Mer-kin scavenger acting as the bodyguard to a batwinged gremlin
Encounter: Mer-kin scavenger acting as the bodyguard to a batwinged gremlin
Round 1: binnyv uses the rock band flyers!
Preference flyeredML changed from 10058 to 10610
[288] Near an Abandoned Refrigerator
Preference lastEncounter changed from Mer-kin scavenger acting as the bodyguard to a batwinged gremlin to batwinged gremlin
Encounter: batwinged gremlin
Round 1: binnyv uses the rock band flyers!
Preference flyeredML changed from 10610 to 10881
I only did one Avant Guard run, but flyers worked fine for me.
I also don't remember that the next body guard was tagged with the same turn number as the previous monster, but there we are.
It looks like body guard fight takes a turn and the regular monster fight is free?
In any case, to identify the issue, we'd need to understand what is going wrong with the tracking.
Where/why are we not getting the correct ML for one or more monsters?
The Mer-kin scavenger counted as ML 552. Attack of 450 + 102
The batwinged gremlin counted as ML 271. Attack 169 + 102
What was providing the extra 102 ML? Perhaps we miscalculated that?
the idea of adjusting the number back below 100K when the quest doesn't complete could help scripts work better while hiding the fact that there is something wrong with ML tracking.
If we don't adjust the flyeredML down, you can do:
while (!sidequestArenaCompleted) {
repeat {
adventure once and flyer
} until (flyeredML >= 100,000)
visit arena
If we set the flyeredML to < 100,000, you can do
while !sidequestArenaCompleted {
while flyeredML < 100,000 {
adventure once and flyer
visit arena
It is not clear that one way or the other is "working better" - and neither really "hides the fact that there is something wrong with ML tracking", since you wouldn't code either of those loops unless you suspected that ML tracking could be off.