Bug - Fixed Flashing green in r9659

So I use the gray pane on the left turning green as a way to figure out when I have to go do something.
But with this latest revision the gray pane keeps flashing green between combats. Can you implement
the old behavior of it only turning green when the current set of adventures is complete?



This also appears to affect aborting while autoadventuring. "Stop now" and mashing the escape key only appear to work sporadically.


Active member
It seemed to be related to the green blinkings... my adventuring script seemed to take a significant part longer to run as well. Guessing it's somehow related to the charpanel changes, but don't know enough about them to hazard why.


My guess is that CharPaneRequest is now doing something to KoLConstants.continuationState?

My initial thought was that this had something to do with CharPaneRequest extending RelayRequest instead of GenericRequest now, but I get lost right around where CharPaneRequest calls super.run()...


Staff member
Revision 9662.

A RelayRequest is what we use when acting as a proxy between the Relay Browser and KoL: it forwards a request from the browser to KoL, waits for the reply, and sends that back on down to the browser. Since we can write to the gCLI/status line during such processing - and turn the GUI from green to grey - after each RelayRequest, we call enableDisplay to turn it back green again.

A CharPaneRequest is now a RelayRequest - even when it is called via automation. Therefore, rather than calling a pre-emptive enableDisplay, call enableDisplayIfSequenceComplete.

In other words, ropippi, you are exactly correct.