faxbot configuration malformed


So this one is a little beyond me, and I don't know even where to start. Nor do I know if this is worthy of a bug report or a feature request, so I thought I'd drop it here.

When opening the "request a fax" frame, I'll occasionally get this error - I'd say 10% of the time or so. Maybe I'm just unlucky, small sample size, and all that.

faxbot configuration malformed

.. and as far as I can tell, there's really no way to fix it other than restarting mafia. The fax list is only fetched when the frame is opened for the first time.

So, a few questions:

-How does mafia dynamically configure this fax list? My only guess was that it scraped the page over at kolspading, but I quickly ruled that out. Is it similar to buffbot dynamic list magic? Coincidentally I have little idea how that works.
-Is there any way to attempt a reload, short of restarting mafia?
-Would a feature request to fall back on a local failsafe make sense?

Anyway, not a big deal, just trying to get a better sense of what's going on.
Faxbot publishes an XML file, just like buffbots, and we fetch it and parse it. Falling back on a local failsafe won't fly because I am not interested in checking in a local database for it. Adding a "reload" button to the Fax frame to reload and rebuild sounds like the best bet.

FWIW, I have never seen the error you mention. Sounds like a network connectivity problem for your computer.
Mafia loads an xml file with info about the faxable monsters, which is the same thing mafia does for buffbots. As you can guess, this is only done once per session. My first guess at a cause would be issues loading the xml file, which could be due to your connection or the server hosting it, but that's just a wild guess.
Gotcha. I play off of wireless around 75% of the time, so it's almost undoubtedly my connectivity and not anything further upstream.
Aw man, this isn't in the bug report forum so I can't* do any re-tagging. :(

*Technically I could, but... yeah.