Favorite Sections


Favorite Sections r3

****Newest Changes*******

Items can be added to favorites from item_descrip.php
SyncFavs.ash is now included to syncronize categorized favorites between characters.

Whats it do?

This is a relay override of inventory.php and item_desc.php. This script will not change the output of the three main inventory sections at all. However, it will modify the favorites section of your inventory to allow better sorting of items. Currently all favorites are listed in one large sections, this changes all that. Out of the box it will create sections for food, booze, spleen, a section for each equipment slot, with shield and off hand items seperated and 1/2 handed melee/myst/mox weapons, usable items, and combat items.
In addition Users can specify Sections, and sub sections for individual items.
Collapsed.png UnCollapsed.png
The item_desc page will be modified to look like the following:
1) Clicking the Item's image will goto the wiki page for that item.
2) Clicking the [e] link will open the inventory processing suite options page (If you have Inventory Processing Suite setup)
3) The mall price will be shown. However, if the mall price is out of date, the price ??? will be shown. Clicking that link will reload item_desc after looking up a new price from the items. This is because you don't always want to check the price of all the items you are selecting, and this method saves time and server hits. If the mall price is shown (and it is a mallable item) the cost will link to the market statistics for the item.
4) The results of pulverizing this item will be shown.
5) A text box allowing you to categorize the item will be shown.
6) Clicking the [f] link will favorite this item

The Category works as follows:

submitting "clear", without quotes will remove the item from all categories.
The item can have multiple Categories.
It is valid to leave the subsection blank.
It is not recommended that you place an item in a category that you have placed another item in a subcategory of... as in it is not recommended to have item A in category C, and item B in category C.sub

All categories with no subsections will be listed before all categories with subsections, which will be listed before the auto category which is listed before the uncategorized category.

Note: the link [e] will be broken if you are not using Inventory Processing Suite, but the rest of the functionality will be unaffected.
Call SyncFavs.ash to favorite all unfavorited catorgorized items in your inventory (due to kol limitations only items you have will be synced)

Change Log
r1: Initial upload
r2: Fix bug when decreasing quantity of items in inventory.
r3: Added ability to add favorite from item_desc.ash; added SyncFavs.ash

Requires zlib.ash

Place Inventory.ash in relay folder
Place item_desc.ash in relay folder
Place zlib.ash in script folder
Place pulverizeResults.ash in script folder
Place SyncFavs.ash in script folder


Last edited:
Ok, turns out I had more time on my hands then I thought, fixed the issue that causes the user to need to reload the page after certain actions.
New version added. Allows adding of favorites from Item_desc.ash and allows limited favorites syncronizing via script.