Farmer's Almanac


New member
I'm actually not sure if this is possible.
Is there a way we can tie in certain actions to KOL holidays or days coming up where we otherwise might not remember? Use it as a sort of additional brakfast thing that kicks in on those days. I'm not worried about the things done I just want to know how I'd get the timing down

i.e. planting for gloomy mushrooms,eating for boris, halloween outfit changes, equiping basket and automaitc adventuring for certain eggs ect.
KoLmafia tells you in nice friendly text when you login that it's a holiday.  I'm thinking about automatically running existing mushroom scripts created via the current mushroom planner on login as part of the breakfast script as well.  Holiday stuff ... meh, if you can't be bothered to think about the game at least three times every ninety six days, you need to find a new game.