Bug - Fixed equip_all_familiars spent all pulls


Today I mistyped something and accidentally triggered equip_all_familiars(). Before I had a chance to hit escape, I had lost the day's 20 pulls. AFAIK, I don't have mafia set to automatically pull stuff, and a cursory glance at the code doesn't seem to indicate that it would respect pull budgeting anyway. Though since I usually pull everything manually, I'm not sure how that works.

Of all the days I could make this mistake, I'm happy it was day 3, which is pull-light anyway :-)
a cursory glance at the code doesn't seem to indicate that it would respect pull budgeting anyway.

Hm. That looks to be a correct assessment -- from FamiliarManager*,
		// Pull all items that are in storage but not inventory or the closet
		if ( storageItems.size() > 0 )
			RequestThread.postRequest( new StorageRequest( StorageRequest.STORAGE_TO_INVENTORY, storageItems.toArray(), true ) );
I looked into using retrieveItem, but that would be a fundamental change in functionality, since it would also attempt to buy equipment if autoSatisfyWithMall were true.

I wonder what the simplest fix is. Maybe to overload the StorageRequest constructor with a boolean that indicates "automated" and should therefore respect budget?

* What a strange class. It has nothing other than this single method.
Well, I can't really imagine many situations where you'd want to use equip all familiars with budgeted pulls in the first place. What I would have expected this to do was equip anything I actually had direct access to, and ignore storage while I was in ronin.
16935 skips checking storage when you are in ronin/Hardcore. I believe using this function in Hardcore would have resulted in a bunch of error messages previously.