Eat Sushi


After seeing today's updates (especially the improved drop rates for fish meat) I decided that it was time to formally release this script. I hope that enough people will eat sushi that it was worth writing this.

This script automates the eating of sushi.

  1. This will figure out the currently cheapest infused sake to drink with your sushi so that you'll have a warm belly for maximum effectiveness. (It drinks infused sake since regular sake sucks!) You're left to other resources to figure out how you want to continue abusing your liver.

  2. It will then pick out the cheapest fish meat and cheapest sea vegetables to buy from the mall

  3. It will ask you about your choice of topping for the sushi, unless you disable that.

  4. Finally it eats your fill of the sushi made from those ingredients.

I designed the script to be included in another breakfast script without causing conflicts. It has options that are useful for that purpose.


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Great script, but i believe that all of the community members would appreciate if you released more of your scripts :)
Since I just got directed to this script I thought I should mention that there is a slight error in it. "bottle of Pete's Sake" gives 3 drunkenness while the script seems to assume that it gives 1.
Recent investigation also shows that the sea vegetables are most likely not worth their current cost when it comes to farming at least.
I'm attempting to rework my copy to include the 2020 crimbo items, and possibly bento boxes as well.
Any suggestions or insight on other features I ought to add while I'm reworking it?