Bug eat() no longer works in Grey You


New member
In Grey You, you can eat food to gain +2 max HP and drink booze to gain +2 max MP (once per unique item). I have a script that was calling eat() in order to eat items during the run. This seemed to be working fine in r26982; an eat message appears in the session log, and the item disappears from the inventory:
(in r26982)
eat 1 imitation White Russian
Preference _timeSpinnerFoodAvailable changed from 49,471,246,560,245,10913 to 49,471,246,560,245,10913,6703
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 412 to 413
Preference _loop_gyou_absorbed_consumables changed from 328,237,49,471,787,246,560,10956,564,470,251,674,245,238,1004,10913 to 328,237,49,471,787,246,560,10956,564,470,251,674,245,238,1004,10913,6703

However, in r26989 this no longer seems to be working. When calling eat(), no message is being printed to the session log and the item still appears to be in the character inventory afterwards. Unfortunately the script did not check the return value of eat(), so I'm not sure if eat() is returning false or not. I can investigate this more after rollover.
(in r26989)
[80] The Dark Neck of the Woods
Preference lastEncounter changed from Strike One! to Olive My Love To You, Oh.
Encounter: Olive My Love To You, Oh.
You acquire an item: olive
You acquire an item: olive
Preference lastFriarsNeckNC changed from 6 to 7
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 212 to 213
Preference _loop_gyou_absorbed_consumables changed from 49,787,1004,470,471,8526,251 to 49,787,1004,470,471,8526,251,245

autosell: 2 olive
You gain 70 Meat
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 213 to 214

Here the preference _loop_gyou_absorbed_consumables changing means that the script did try to use eat() to eat the item ID 245 (one of the newly dropped olives). However, there is no eat message in the session log and both olives are still in inventory (and are subsequently autosold by the script).

overdrink() seems to still be working fine in r26989; the drink message still appears in the session log:
(in r26989)
drink 1 bottle of vodka
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 237 to 238
Preference _loop_gyou_absorbed_consumables changed from 49,787,1004,470,471,8526,251,245 to 49,787,1004,470,471,8526,251,245,237,238

It looks like r26984 made some changes to how eating items is handled.
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