Dressing up your familiars


Here's a simple script that I like to run when I just get out of ronin. A little housecleaning of the inventory list while I wait for the buffbots to get around to my request.

Feel free to add to the familiar list if you have more than I do. Also, notice that the script autosells any overstocked items you happen to have after the equipping is done, which might not be to your liking.
It turned out that I had other scripts that needed to know which item went along with which familiars, so I pulled that functionality out into my behemoth helper library. Also, I went through the wiki and added all of the familiars that exist up to this point. Some of them are not currently implemented by KolMafia, so you'll have to uncomment those lines when the next version comes out if you are in a position to care.

In case I didn't make the application clear from my first post, this script will go through all of the familiars in your terrarium and equip them with the (common) item that goes along with them. No wax lip or maypole support is offered at this point. Also, when you're through with the equip, if there are leftover items, they are autosold.

