Does a script exist to whitelist members to my clan?

Has anyone scripted the ability to add someone to a clan whitelist? I know this is a more complicated process than it seems at first glance, with ranks and everything involved. But I thought it was worth asking after an existing solution before trying to invent the wheel myself.

Has anyone scripted the ability to add someone to a clan whitelist? I know this is a more complicated process than it seems at first glance, with ranks and everything involved. But I thought it was worth asking after an existing solution before trying to invent the wheel myself.

I know people (BCC for example) have done it, but no clue if it was in KoLmafia. I would recommend for complex forms like that trying "debug on", then submitting the form in the relay browser, and "debug off". You can often find exactly what you need in the debug log. This has helped me avoid lots of effort digging into html for field names and such.
Thanks for the tip, Crowther. Worked great.

My solution is attached. It:
  • will hop between clans as needed, thanks to Bale's clanhop script, borrowed from here
  • does limited fuzzy-matching against rank names
  • does not currently handle titles or de-whitelisting


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