If you go to the "Internal Database" on the Help menu (which I originally called the "Encyclopedia", but which hola renamed. Boo, hiss.) you can call up KoL's "description" for Items, Effects, Familiars, Skills, and Outfits. All of those include an image.
If you happen to have the image in your local image cache, it shows fine. For example, if you've seen it in the Relay Browser.
But, if you have not looked at the image, we don't seem to download it. Here is an example for a brand-new item whose description I have not looked at in the Relay Browser.

We manually download images for familiars so that we can put them into the green sidepane. Perhaps we need to do something of the sort for what we show in Documentation frames?
If you happen to have the image in your local image cache, it shows fine. For example, if you've seen it in the Relay Browser.
But, if you have not looked at the image, we don't seem to download it. Here is an example for a brand-new item whose description I have not looked at in the Relay Browser.

We manually download images for familiars so that we can put them into the green sidepane. Perhaps we need to do something of the sort for what we show in Documentation frames?