do you guys have any interest in perl scripts for kol?


New member
It looks like you guys are all writing scripts that run within kolmafia? I'm not sure what the .ash scripts are, etc.. I've never actually downloaded/checked out kolMafia, so I don't know how the scripts for it work!

However, last year I wrote a perl script to farm for my alts (70 of them).. It's nothing full featured, but it is pretty efficient and works great for low level newb alts... : D However, I *did* eventually get all my characters taken away, soooo, you probably wouldn't want to do that.. I was pretty must just messing around, and I wanted to play in the dungeons, but only had me and 3 friends in my clan! So I needed an army of my money makers! (And then I maximized the process the best I could..)

No idea if anyone wants to check it out for there own script writing fun, etc.. Perhaps not, since it's totally different, but perhaps, if it helps with any of your own ideas..

It has no front end, and is just a perl script.. so you need to change the code to change some of the functionality, so it's not particularly user-friendly. However, it's written pretty straightforward, and easy to follow. You do, also, need a login file, and it creates some data files for each character (nothing fancy).

But right..

It pretty much takes a list of characters, and plays them all, based on what their farming "type" is listed as in the login file.. A "newb" will fight in the hidden temple, a "ratfarmer" fights in the typical tavern, and a "knobfarmer" fights in the treasury.

At the start of a turn, they go shopping in the mall for some (at the time) cheap-but-decent food, then go try to see if they can get any 4-leaf clovers, then go about their farming business..

Once they've used up all their turns, they drink crappy booze to get +14 extra adventures, and then they go to the typical tavern and use those 14 turns on the booze squares only, to try to get the better booze, which is then added to the clan stash.

Other functionality is:

tracks fortune cookie semi-rare numbers, and remembers where the last semi-rare was obtained, and picks a different one (I think I only coded in 3 or 4 semi-rare locations).
maps the typical tavern, for (a) farming or mostly (b) farming for booze, at the end of a character's turn
shares items between characters via the clan stash, if you don't have enough to go around
uses some of the disco-bandit combos for +meat at the end of the turn (something like that...I don't remember exactly...)
automatically tries to train in skills (at least for the disco-bandits...)
buys stuff from the mall.
automatically sees the clan stash is running out of crappy booze, and forces a character to booze-farm specifically..

For most of the time I was doing this, I had all my dudes just put all their money into the clan coffers (since I was initially getting money for a dungeon...) Well, I got waaaay more money than I needed for the dungeon, so I eventually started converting it to dense meat stacks... It was after that point that I got busted... but really I have no idea if that's what put me on their radar. Anyway, I commented out the call to convert to dense meat stacks..

I was also spending a lot of money on potions so I could kick butt in Hobopolis, which I was pulling from the clan stash.. Really I have no idea what it was that got me "caught", but I was playing 70-ish characters for 2 months, every day, from the same computer.. I was some-what surprised it took them that long.. though of course I was still pissed when it actually happened, haha.. Also, though, they got more and more "active", as I made the script better.. (for example, they weren't eating food for a while, which got them 2x the turns..)

Also, it doesn't do the baby quests for you, so you need to do that part by hand, which sucks (I bet kolmafia does it, though!) That was all going to be automated, but then I got booted, haha.. and didn't go back.

Anyway, I have to update the readme file, but I will post it all, if you guys have any interest in perl scripts!
So you made a blatant multi-abuse script, and you're wondering if other people want to use it? I don't think someone could use it for very long without getting disabled.
All of the positive aspects of this script package are easy to duplicate in KoLmafia. I'd rather not touch the other "features."
haha, umm.. as far as I have read, everything it does, kolmafia can do, and kolmafia probably does it better/with a gui/fancier/easier... so if you wanted, you could easily use kolMafia to blatantly abuse alts, too. Welcome to the party, he who visits the scripting page, let alone uses kolmafia in the first place. Why are you telling me this?

(Thanks, StDoodle for agreeing, too..)

Anyway, I asked if any of you did any kol stuff with perl scripting, and would have been interested in it. Not really to *use* or *abuse* it, but to use the code, etc, for whatever PERL scripts anyone might be writing on their own... since you guys are supposedly *writing scripts*, that is... And therefore that means you probably aren't brainless idiots (unlike myself, as you pointed out, blatantly violating the KoL terms of service.)

And I listed what it didddd, so if you had any PERL scripts you were using, you knew what *I* had executed in perl, so you would know if it was useful to you. But clearly you guys don't do anything with perl, so please disregard this and carry on as before. It was nice to meet you, too. And sorry I'm wordy, and told you what bad things it got *me* into for your consideration.
But clearly you guys don't do anything with perl, so please disregard this and carry on as before.

Even if any of us did use perl, this is not the appropriate forum to discuss that. Note the name of this web forum -- "KoLmafia". Does that not suggest that maybe we talk about mafia here?

And as for your scripts, there are a few reasons why what you are proposing isn't useful:

a) There is no functionality that mafia doesn't already offer better
b) You start your post by mentioning blatant abuse of the multi rules on KoL. Mafia's ethos runs completely perpendicular to yours -- mafia is not designed to let you run your army of farming multis
c) We already have better equipped farming scripts in this very subforum than what you are suggesting. EatDrink can optimize your food intake based on predicted meat gains, and the only variation you post for your farming types is where they adventure. Canadv can cover that and the modifier maximizer (a default tool) can do more than your own "script" does

In short -- mafia in its native interface is better than what you propose. Don't post about your multi abuse -- we are not interested.
Welcome monkeylove. If you are interested in finding people who script in PERL then this is almost certainly not the place. You might try searching at the main KoL forums.

Since you admit to some serious ignorance concerning ash scripting and mafia in general you might consider the Wiki as a source of information. Ash is a scripting language developed exclusively for KoLmafia but is pretty easy to pick up if you have other programming experience.

As for the specific functionality you have in your PERL scripts you don't mention anything that is particularly new or innovative compared to existing ash scripts. Perhaps you might consider browsing the forums to see what I mean.

Finally you certainly got off on the wrong foot by mentioning you were guilty of multi-abuse that was flagrant enough to get you caught. By doing so you suggest that there is no other purpose for your work. While mafia can certainly be used to automate multi-abuse there are many other uses that are not and those are the ones that are of interest to most of the folks here.