Thanks to elf..(sorry your names to long
), I made a custom ASH command.
There is also
So if you know how to edit the files, here's what you do. All changes are in The idea behind the "q" check is that let's say you have an item already in your display case, or let's say you don't know where you want to add it right now, you can put "q" in there and the command will skip the part where it puts it in a case. However, right now, it still tries to add it, because in the command, if I don't put the q in quotes (I now realize this may be because I'm declaring it as a string) it tells me that q has not been defined. So it goes ahead and runs the command to put it in a shelf, and it just doesn't add it to a shelf because "q" isn't a valid shelf. So here's the code. Oh, for the shelf, its actually gets passed as the shelf number, where your first shelf is 0 and then go from there.
display_add and display_take under "public ScriptScope getExistingFunctionScope()"
Code to run display_add and display_take under "private ScriptValue executeLibraryFunction() throws AdvancedScriptException"
Any suggesstions on how to deal with the "q" thing or other suggesstions would be appreciated.
EDIT: Aplogies to holatuwol if you would prefer I keep this functionality privite, just delete it, but it seemed pretty harmless
EDIT2: Looks like holatuwol just added a MUCH cleaner version of the display case commands to current SVN version, although lacking the shelving ability, but I can deal, thanks hola!

display_add(int amount, $item[item], string shelf
display_take(int amont, $item[item])
display_add and display_take under "public ScriptScope getExistingFunctionScope()"
params = new ScriptType[] { new ScriptType( TYPE_INT ), new ScriptType( TYPE_ITEM ), new ScriptType( TYPE_STRING) };
result.addFunction( new ScriptExistingFunction( "display_add", new ScriptType( TYPE_BOOLEAN ), params ) );
params = new ScriptType[] { new ScriptType( TYPE_INT ), new ScriptType( TYPE_ITEM ) };
result.addFunction( new ScriptExistingFunction( "display_take", new ScriptType( TYPE_BOOLEAN ), params ) );
Code to run display_add and display_take under "private ScriptValue executeLibraryFunction() throws AdvancedScriptException"
if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( "display_add" ) )
DEFAULT_SHELL.executeLine("managecollection.php?pwd&action=put&howmany1=" + variables[0].toStringValue() + "&whichitem1=" + variables[1].intValue() + "&addgoodies=Put+%3E%3E");
if(variables[2].toStringValue().toString() == "q")
return new ScriptValue( TYPE_BOOLEAN, client.permitsContinue() ? 1 : 0 ); }
DEFAULT_SHELL.executeLine("managecollectionshelves.php?pwd&action=arrange&whichshelf" + variables[1].intValue() + "=" + variables[2].toStringValue());
return new ScriptValue( TYPE_BOOLEAN, client.permitsContinue() ? 1 : 0 );
if (name.equalIgnoreCase( "display_take" ) )
DEFAULT_SHELL.executeLine("managecollection.php?pwd&action=take&owmany1=" + variable[0].toStringValue() + "&whichitem1=" + variables[1].intValue() + "&takegoodies=Take+%3E%3E");
return new ScriptValue(TYPE_BOOLEAN, client.permitsContine() ? 1 : 0 );
Any suggesstions on how to deal with the "q" thing or other suggesstions would be appreciated.
EDIT: Aplogies to holatuwol if you would prefer I keep this functionality privite, just delete it, but it seemed pretty harmless
EDIT2: Looks like holatuwol just added a MUCH cleaner version of the display case commands to current SVN version, although lacking the shelving ability, but I can deal, thanks hola!