The CCS scripts are the same across all your logins, but you can pick which one to use at any time, so you can pick a different named one for each login.
I think (and I will attempt to test later if I have time) that it should be possible to use set_property in an ash script and set your ccs in a login script, if you create a ccs for each id, naming it the same as the id, you could possibly use something like the following
I just looked in my prefs files, and the value for customCombatScript is stored in the user_prefs.txt not in the GLOBAL_prefs.txt so in fact it should be entirly possible to just set a different one for each username. they will all be available from any username, but mafia should remember which one you pick accross logins.
which also may have been the point stormcrow was making!
Why do you use that? Each character will remember the last CCS that they used, so it would never be needed if they always use the CCS with their name, right?
Thanks for all the responses. The reason that I was asking was that I have an ash script that I wanted to use across a couple of characters which sets different ccs's at different points in the script. However, the two characters use slightly different skills/familiar behaviour during combat so I was trying to reference a single ccs name in the ash script without having to have a copy of the ash script for each character. It wouldn't really be a big deal to have 2 scripts and using the example in kain's post I can keep it as a single script by programmatically generating the name of ccs to use.
I call that because it saves me a manual step to verify that I'm using the right CCS. If my chars are in aftercore/casual (and several other conditions are right) they'll auto-run a bounty as the final step in their login script. kain.ccs (as an example) uses FTF/SS/casualcombat and will exploit my olfaction and occasionally putty to complete a bounty hunt. If I was previously basementing, that CCS (basement.ccs) only contains the expensive (120mp) hobopolis spells and noodles ... that I wouldn't want cast at a goat or an astronomer.
It's a little overkill probably, and I could, if I tried, smash it all into one CCS, but I'm lazy and this works for now.