Degrassi Knoll Bugbear Problem Script


Degrassi Knoll Bugbear Problem Script (fermentation solution quest)

If you're like me, you finish your ascensions and then promptly go onto the next one, without remembering a lot of things you can only do once per ascension that can net you a little extra cash. Well fret no more about this quest for mushroom fermentation solutions because here is the solution!

svn checkout

With a button click you can easily have the entire quest automated for you from start to finish, no need to fiddle around with anything. It buys your mushrooms, equips the proper familiar, maximizes your NC and item drop for spooky gloves, kills the queen and turns in the quest, easy as a snap!

Just remember to uncomment the line to notify me if you want me to know you appreciate this script!
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My problem isn't exactly in ascending too fast. It's more of a problem of getting myself side-tracked with item farming and whatnot that I forget this particular quest when it's available. I'll have to give this a shot tonight.
It keeps wanting to use my baby gravy fairy, instead of my spooky gravy fairy, then tells me that I need an elemental gravy fairy to adventure in the barrow.
From the CLI:
> call scripts\fermentationsolution.ash

Starting the adventure sequence in The Spooky Gravy Barrow!
Putting Jennifer the Spooky Gravy Fairy back into terrarium...
Taking Sarah the Baby Gravy Fairy out of terrarium...
300 combinations checked, best score 86.40

Visit to MusSign: The Spooky Gravy Burrow in progress...
You need to bring an elemental gravy fairy with you.
It's supposed to use whatever elemental gravy fairy you got from the mayor, if you end up stopping things after getting that fairy it ends up using just the regular gravy fairy because the script doesn't store any data in preferences. I'll change that I guess just in case of instances like this, so that it will equip an elemental gravy fairy if you got one always. Thanks for testing that, I didn't have this issue when I ran the script for myself, thanks for the feedback.

If you want to keep trying the script just delete the code line that equips a familiar and change it yourself.
I changed the familiar preference in line 81 to read:
use_familiar($familiar[spooky gravy fairy]);
My only problem now is that it keeps unequipping the spooky glove and thus getting stuck in an infinite loop. I'm not quite sure how to fix that.
Committed an update which should fix both issues you've run into. Also check to see if it's properly closeted your bicycle chains which are a clue for it in the adventure loop.
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I went ahead and manually finished the quest, so I'll have to ascend again to try out the new version. It's a promising script and hopefully more people will check it out, too.
It's supposed to use whatever elemental gravy fairy you got from the mayor,

That only matters for passing his request. And you don't even have to use it, just have it in your terrarium.

The adventuring part of the quest should always use the spooky fairy (if available), because it's the only one that gets anything extra (namely, felonia will drop its familiar equipment).
Took your suggestion and made Spooky Gravy Fairy always equip first if you have it.

Anyways, there are ways to mess up this script, mostly involving if you run out of adventures just after getting all the quest items to open the door to Felonia. But as long as that doesn't happen it should work just fine.
First time I ran the script, this was the result:
> call scripts\fermentationsolution.ash

Sending kmail to Zen00...
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Starting quest!
Getting a pitchfork!
Getting a fungus!
You acquire an item: limburger biker boots
No match attempted or previous match failed (fermentationsolution.ash, line 64)

Immediately ran it again with no changes and 14 turns later, the fermentation solution was mine.

Thanks for this time-saver!
Whoops. Forgot I was going to help bug-test this with my next ascension. I went and ascended as a Zombie Slayer. :rolleyes: I'll have to test it again once I get back to a regular class.
Thanks for remember post-hoc anyways. :D

I tested it with my latest ascension and it went through with 0 bugs. But more people using and bug reporting will be useful.

Anyways, I've run over my code, and I have no idea how you got that error Pooter, as it would require the script jumping backwards to redo code that had already been executed. Are you sure that's the entirety of the script log?

Anyways, stopped it from buying a mushroom every time if you have a spare mushroom in your inventory already.
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Here's the appropriate section in my session problem is apparent.

send a kmail to Zen00
> Starting quest!

Visiting Mayor Zapruder
> Getting a pitchfork!

Visiting Mayor Zapruder
> Getting a fungus!

Visiting Mayor Zapruder
You acquire an item: limburger biker boots
> Starting the adventure sequence in The Spooky Gravy Barrow!

As Shakespeare wrote, all's well that ends well!:D
I do remember a little something that was my fault the last time I used the script. If one has a script such as my familiar item farming script, which wants to use a specific familiar, it will come into conflict with this script. So, a word of note to anyone using my or another familiar-changing before battle script: Disable that before running this script or you'll keep switching out familiars.