Deciding between different sticker weapons


Active member
Is there a way to discern what would happen with my stats/item drops/meat drops if I used different stickers to what I have at the moment?

Currently my stickers are set to always be +meat ones but since my farming script also looks for items I guess that sometimes more items could be beneficial and so would want to check if other stickers would be better.
The command you're looking for is the aptly named whatif. Thank goodness for the wiki since I wouldn't want to have to explain all the details of using that.
Well, I know about that command, but since no matter what stickers the weapon is equipped with it is still called "scratch 'n' sniff sword/crossbow" it is slightly hard to speculate about what happens if I changes the stickers without actually changing the stickers around. I can't at least come up with a good command to speculate what would happen if I use the sticker weapon and bedazzle it with specific stickers.
You are not familiar with all your equipment slots. Do it like this:

whatif equip sticker1 unicorn sticker; equip sticker2 unicorn sticker; equip sticker3 unicorn sticker
> ashq foreach key in $slots[] print(key)

Is there actually any place in KoL where stickers are meat positive (compared to the alternative equipment + not buying then and selling the ones you have) for extended farming?
Is there actually any place in KoL where stickers are meat positive (compared to the alternative equipment + not buying then and selling the ones you have) for extended farming?

Mostly not worth using Unicorns or UPCs in my experience. The mall price generally matches or exceeds their farming value.
In a situation with a low skilled character I think there can be. If you have a base meat drop of 800 an extra 75% is 600. The cost of 3 stickers is roughly 2700 meat and lasts for 20 turns meaning 135 meat/adv leading to a total net increase of ~400meat/adv.

The highest this character can get to for main and off-hand is 38% which in the same example is about 300 meat so +100 meat per adventure when using the sticker compared to the weapons available.
Where do you get base drops 800 for 20 combats straight?
(don't count bandits, those are not farming)
Is there some reason people are picking on Winterbay's farming methods? Does that actually bother people?

Maybe it is the crowd I hang with, but I usually only see this kind of interrogation when someone has strange ideas about ascension. He now has the tools to figure out if he wants to use those stickers, let's let him work out his own favorite farming method.
I think xKiv was thinking that a steady base 800 was good, not bad... My reading was jealousy of Winterbay's farming, not disapproval.
Oh? My reading was that he doubted Winterbay could reach a base of 800 and wanted to unveil his mistake.
I'd still consider that jealousy if Winterbay is succeeding in it. :)

But yeah, it's really just a matter of sample numbers and all of that sort of thing. 800 is a nice round number that displays changes nicely.
xKiv was just pointing out that there aren't any farmable monsters that have a base 800 meat drop.

Don't certain Ducks drop that much? You would have to save your sticker sword only to use it for a few advs each day on them, but at least it's something UPC stickers are good for!
Is there some reason people are picking on Winterbay's farming methods? Does that actually bother people?

Maybe it is the crowd I hang with, but I usually only see this kind of interrogation when someone has strange ideas about ascension. He now has the tools to figure out if he wants to use those stickers, let's let him work out his own favorite farming method.

I was trying to help to find the most effective method of determining when to use stickers. And I can't find any place with sustained 800 base meat drops (the only monsters with meat drops that high are, according to mafia's datafiles, bosses and bandits - even rotund dook is below 400), but that's just lack of evidence, not eveidence of lack.
Of course, I am not exactly the epitome of tact (or even clarity of meaning) ...

(BTW, I ran a little analysis yesterday, and it looks to me like no zone has average base item drops over 300 mpa (with olfaction), so *for me* the algorithm to decide whether to use sticker is, at least for now and normal farming, "return false;").
Yeah, I've reached that conclusion as well. I think the problem is that I was looking at the data in the "location details" in Mafia which lists numbers after the current modifiers have been considered, which obviously is not what I was after :)
(in that case you can quite easily reach 800/adv, but that is a different thing).