Bug - Fixed Debug log when opening the relay browser with r11468


Well-known member
Got a debug log when opening the relay browser with r11468. Here's the gCLI output:

Checking for updates (running ZLib ver. r37)...
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
Checking for updates...
Checking for updates...
Latest version: 0.7.2
You have a current version of Character Info Toolbox.
Latest version: 0.7.2
You have a current version of Character Info Toolbox.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted

Debug log attached.View attachment DEBUG_20120904.txt


Staff member
You have a relay script which is passing bad arguments to delete( buffer ). Throwing an exception is an overreaction, so revision 11469 will print a helpful runtime error instead, pointing out the erroneous file and line of the script.


I am looking forward to seeing the error message so I can fix what is probably a bug in a script I've taken over. There are too many possibilities for delete() without knowing more. Things might change based on using the MCD, the Transponder quest, Zombiecore, or a bazillion other things that could cause trouble with setting parameters for any of 17 different calls to delete(). Ugh.

Veracity, thank you for making this possible to debug.


Well-known member
Nothing tripped the additional debugging this morning. The dump yesterday occurred when I opened the relay browser before I did anything in terms of adventuring.

Bale: MCD was set to zero on both days. No transponder quest. I am in Zombiecore (HC) and the only relay script that should have been active was CHIT. If there is additional information I can provide or actions I can take to help in figuring out what's going on please let me know.


If there is additional information I can provide or actions I can take to help in figuring out what's going on please let me know.

Probably nothing you can do unless the bug appears again. If it was something normal I would have noticed this by now. If it happens, there should be an "index out of bounds" error message to copy/paste from the CLI.