Custom Script problem


New member
Ok so I have my custom combat script like this:

[ default ]
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
item turtle totem
skill Moxious Maneuver

and Mafia keeps giving me the "You're on your own, partner." message. Anyone know any way to fix this? Thanks! ^_^
Are the checks to prevent this still in? I don't regularly NPZR stasis farm the castle, but I'm sure I've done it occasionally with fairly high level characters recently. I'm not running a "hacked" version of mafia or anything - perhaps it just I'm somehow avoiding the checks, I know Holatuwol put all sorts of caveats in place after several people - myself included - complained bitterly about the outright ban.

At that time I didn't stasis farm - in fact I'd never heard of it - but I liked my NPZR so much as an attack/heal familiar I did end up using my own "modified" version of mafia and thought I might as well try it - the meta-game I like to play is trying different farming techniques and playing the mall. It made good money but only about two-thirds of what Holatuwol said you could make so I didn't persist in using it, maybe I just haven't got his expertise.

Anyway it's not worth doing anymore after the recent NPRZ nerf - you get better results with a leprechaun and decent +meat - there are a lot more "reasonably" priced high + meat items available now.
