Crimbot Reward/Gear Tracker


This set of relay override scripts will allow you to track your progress through the Crimbo Factory.

Install Location:
relay\place.crimbo2014.ash - Handles manipulating the Build Crimbo Page to look nice
relay\choice.ash - Allows for the tracking to be run through relay browser
scripts\crimbotFactory.ash - The logic of the tracker, can be run either via relay browser or from another script

Provides summary of number of credits/schematics earned at end of run
Tracks for each gear setup what the average number of credits/schematics per turn you have gained using that setup on each floor
When building your Crimbot it will show you what you best average credits per turn setups and on which floor
Adds numbers to slot drops downs, so you know which left arm is called 1, and which torso is 5, for use when people say to use gear 5_4_3_8
Tracks full run info, which can be saved and parsed yourself to provide more in-depth information
Submits run data to a community portal for better figuring out of optimal setups, this can be disabled if you aren't comfortable sharing
Should automatically start logging level 3 rooms and schematics once unlocked
Easily integrate with Ezandora script to log automatic running.

Config Options:
shareStats - boolean
Whether or not you want your stats shared with the community

numToShow - integer
The number of gear setups shown on build page, sorted by best expected credits/turn

Build Bot Page -
End of Run Summary -

Requires zlib


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Path logging:

1:=1;2:=4;3:=1;4:=5_7_5_8;5:=ndx=0$opt=1$img=room_lobby;5:=ndx=1$opt=1$img=room_bulkybot;5:=ndx=10$opt=-1$img=room_masher;5:=ndx=2$opt=1$img=room_belts;5:=ndx=3$opt=1$img=room_office$isReward$fnd=recovered elf magazine;5:=ndx=4$opt=1$img=room_halldoor;5:=ndx=5$opt=2$img=room_zippybot;5:=ndx=6$opt=2$img=room_gears$isReward$fnd=Power Arm;5:=ndx=7$opt=1$img=room_bedroom$isReward$fnd=recovered elf wallet;5:=ndx=8$opt=2$img=room_fanhall;5:=ndx=9$opt=1$img=room_bulkybot

How to parse it:
First do a split on ';' which will get you five items:
1:=floorTaken //1 for first floor, 2 for stairs, 3 for elevator
2:=numCredits //The number of credits found on this run, note not number of items, it translates items into their credit values
3:=numSchematics //The number of schematics found on this run
4:=gearString //The gear setup used on this run in form of leftarm_rightarm_torso_propulsion
5:=<roomValue> //A room that was explored on this run

How to parse roomValue
First strip off the 5:=
Then split on $
ndx=roomOrder //The order in which you saw this room
img=imagename //The image name for the room, combined with what floor you are on can tell you which room you were in
opt=1//The option you selected for this room
isReward //If this value is here that means you found a reward in this room
fnd=item_item //The list of items you found in the room, if more then one item found each item is separated by an _

This run log is saved after each run in the property:


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Steps to integrate with Ezandora automatic crimbot running script:
1) Add the following line to the line after the current since line at:
import  <CrimbotFactory.ash>;

2)Search for the line:
string page_result = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=992&option=" + current_choice.choice_index);

3) Add the following line just after that:
processNewStats(page_result, current_choice.choice_index);

3) Search for the line:

4)Add the folowing before it:
string start_page =

5) Then add this line on the next line:
processNewStats(start_page, -1);

Should look like (I cut off some of the first line and just replaced it with <really long string>:
string start_page = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=991&option=1&leftarm=" <really long string>");
processNewStats(start_page, -1);

Run as usual.
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