New Content - Implemented Crimbonium


Active member
The Crimbonium Mining Camp is snarfblat 419, the new Crimbonium Mine is mine5.

Adding new location: The Crimbonium Mining Camp - adventure.php?snarfblat=419
Retrieving character data...
Updating inventory...
Looking at item #7856...
Unknown item found: flask of mining oil (7856, 476294680)
7856 flask of mining oil 476294680 flask.gif usable t,d 10
flask of mining oil Effect Duration: 10
Looking at item #7857...
Unknown item found: radiation-resistant helmet (7857, 278774996)
7857 radiation-resistant helmet 278774996 radihelm.gif hat t,d 20
radiation-resistant helmet 50 none
radiation-resistant helmet Item Drop: -10
Looking at item #7858...
Unknown item found: servo-assisted exo-pants (7858, 357821055)
7858 servo-assisted exo-pants 357821055 radipants.gif pants t,d 20
servo-assisted exo-pants 50 none
servo-assisted exo-pants Initiative: -30
Looking at item #7859...
Unknown item found: high-energy mining laser (7859, 992099098)
7859 high-energy mining laser 992099098 radilaser.gif weapon t,d 20
high-energy mining laser 50 Mox: 0 2-handed rifle
high-energy mining laser Fumble: 2, Hot Damage: +20
Looking at item #7860...
Unknown item found: peppermint tailings (7860, 779557533)
7860 peppermint tailings 779557533 tailing.gif none 0
# peppermint tailings
Looking at item #7862...
Unknown item found: cylindrical mold (7862, 564529049)
7862 cylindrical mold 564529049 rodmold.gif none t,d 5
# cylindrical mold
Looking at item #7861...
Unknown item found: nugget of Crimbonium (7861, 208532852)
7861 nugget of Crimbonium 208532852 crimnugget.gif none t,d 5
# nugget of Crimbonium
1780	Loose Joints	robojoint.gif	11d7349a598103ec3f5f68cf7ed2c0f0
# Loose Joints: +50% Item Drops
# Loose Joints: (Crimbonium Mining Camp only)
1781	Crimbonar	crimnugget.gif	33639ac47e3cea3194f71cb1fc729534
# Crimbonar: Detect the presence of Crimbonium
1782	Oily Legs	radipants.gif	4dec80c43bba56c6e43480d45c57c05f
# Oily Legs: Lets you mine Crimbonium faster
Did that not reach r15020 for some reason, or is it not working, it's in my local copy which is synced.
Drinking 6 gamma nog...
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 17 Muscleboundness
You gain 17 Enchantedness
You gain 14 Chutzpah
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 15 Beefiness
You gain 16 Magicalness
You gain 21 Sarcasm
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 17 Fortitude
You gain 19 Enchantedness
You gain 18 Sarcasm
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 15 Muscleboundness
You gain 18 Wizardliness
You gain 17 Chutzpah
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 13 Fortitude
You gain 19 Enchantedness
You gain 17 Cheek
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 10 Muscleboundness
You gain 14 Enchantedness
You gain 14 Chutzpah
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 6 gamma nog.
Eating 5 neutron lollipop...
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 17 Muscleboundness
You gain 15 Enchantedness
You gain 13 Sarcasm
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 15 Fortitude
You gain 12 Enchantedness
You gain 20 Sarcasm
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 13 Muscleboundness
You gain 10 Magicalness
You gain 18 Smarm
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 15 Fortitude
You gain 17 Enchantedness
You gain 22 Cheek
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 20 Muscleboundness
You gain 16 Enchantedness
You gain 21 Sarcasm
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose an effect: Got Milk
Finished eating 5 neutron lollipop.
Looks like about 9-12 adventure before ode/milk. Vole sign would say about 10-20 for stats
Added the stats for nog / lollipop.

If any are interested, the food/booze we're missing spading for is :

cookie cookie
initiative shawarma (probably 4-6 adv, 10-20 mox)
java cookie
petit fortran
warm war shawarma

Amnesiac Ale (probably 6-10 adv, could be 7-11, and -11-22 mys (maybe -10- -20)
Highest Bitter
Jungle Juice (probably 3-5 adv, 3-5 all stats)
Have several of those due to running the Omnivore script. Posting the logged day and class for each consumption. Full consumption posted, including any messages from ode/milk.
Initiative Shawarma:
20141108 - Seal Clubber:
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 17 Sarcasm
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141014 - Turtle Tamer
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 7 Adventures
You gain 13 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141014 - Pastamancer
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 18 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141111 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 10 Sarcasm
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141109 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 10 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141109 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 initiative shawarma
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 11 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Initiative (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk

Warm War Shawarma:
20141114 - Turtle Tamer
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 21 Adventures
You gain 65 Strongness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141118 - Turtle Tamer
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 41 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141114 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 19 Adventures
You gain 48 Muscleboundness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141114 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 21 Adventures
You gain 41 Beefiness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141114 - Turtle Tamer
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 19 Adventures
You gain 65 Beefiness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk
20141118 - Seal Clubber
eat 1 warm war shawarma
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 40 Strengthliness
You acquire an effect: Shawarma Warm War (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 3 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk

Amnesiac Ale:
20141108 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 9 Adventures
You lose 18 Mysteriousness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
20141108 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 10 Adventures
You lose 18 Magicalness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
20141113 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 10 Adventures
You lose 12 Wizardliness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
20141111 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 10 Adventures
You lose 17 Enchantedness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
20141109 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 7 Adventures
You lose 16 Mysteriousness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
20141109 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Amnesiac Ale
You gain 9 Adventures
You lose 10 Magicalness
You acquire an effect: All Is Forgiven (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness

Jungle Juice:
20141028 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 4 Adventures
You gain 4 Strongness
You gain 3 Mysteriousness
You gain 6 Cheek
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
20141014 - Pastamancer
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 5 Fortitude
You gain 4 Magicalness
You gain 5 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
20141014 - Pastamancer
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 4 Adventures
You gain 3 Muscleboundness
You gain 4 Magicalness
You gain 5 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
20141023 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 5 Strongness
You gain 3 Wizardliness
You gain 3 Sarcasm
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
20141023 - Sauceror
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 3 Adventures
You gain 5 Muscleboundness
You gain 6 Wizardliness
You gain 4 Sarcasm
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
20141017 - Seal Clubber
drink 1 Jungle Juice
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 5 Muscleboundness
You gain 5 Enchantedness
You gain 5 Smarm
You acquire an effect: Jungle Juiced (duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
All +mainstat as far as I remember. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that the daily log bit shows the moon sign, but if there are any anomalies, I can shift back to try to find the right sign for that ascension.
Added in r15036. Don't quite trust Amnesiac Ale, as 6-10 or 7-11 are both more likely than 7-10 (usually adv/full has a remainder of 0 or 0.5, and this has 0.25), but we're at 19 datapoints between us.

That leaves Highest Bitter and yesterday's food.
It looks like the drop rate for "flask of tainted mining oil" is not the same as the untainted one, and is lower. I missed about 10 drops in my first 100 turns, when previous days with the same buff setup I had been getting 100 out of 100. Don't have numbers to propose since I wasn't tracking it closely, just noticed after I ran through my mine camp turns that I didn't get a drop every time.
They are trying very hard to cut back on the amount of mining that a particular player can do, and by extension, how many turns they can spend in the factory...
I don't think is actually going to reduce the number of turns in the factory. I'm pretty sure that there are a lot more nuggets of Crimbonium in the kingdom than there are cylindrical molds due to mining oil rates for the first day. (Two days?) There were a lot of people scooping up flasks in the mall and turning them into nuggets at a profit.

I think that TPTB are just trying to rebalance the materials by reducing mining so this won't actually reduce the number of turns in the factory since that is still bound by the number of molds.
What are we missing here? Just consumption stats for a few foods/boozes?

Since we have the stats for the neutron lollipop and the Gamma nog - which are the only ones associated with "Crimbonium" (well, peppermint tailings, actually) - isn't everything done for the topic of THIS thread?