Bug - Fixed Council() will not resolve Macguffin quest


Running version 9270.

Steps to test- Complete macguffin quest up to defeating Ed the Undying. Issuing council() in an ash script or council in CLI will not result in anything (I do not know if it should). But if you check your quest log, you still have the macguffin quest. If you subsequently visit the council in the relay browser, it will get the confetti and wrap up the quest.

EDIT: The wiki states that the council function is for starting quests, so I apologize if it is not meant to resolve quests too.


Active member
I've had running the council command properly resolve the quest... I think this probably needs the debug setting on when running the council command and it isn't completing...


the council CLI command, and the ash version, simply visit council.php and print the result in the gCLI. If nothing was printed, maybe the lag monster ate the request?


Staff member
council.php does not require a password hash, but if you give it a bad hash, it will drop the connection - i.e., return a blank page.
I just tried the "council" command from character A, and then logged out and back in with a different character and tried it again.
It worked fine, although I'm not sure why, since the "council" command uses a static request.
Actually, now that I look again, since there were no fields, we would not automatically add the password hash anyway.

In any case, revision 9272 makes a new request class for council.php which explicitly requires no password hash and which will retry on a timeout - which should solve any lag issue. This will also make it possible for us to add a registerRequest method to log council visits, if we want. Might not be a bad idea, since they sometimes give you items.

I'm marking this "fixed", although marking it "cannot reproduce" would also be appropriate; there is nothing special about visiting the council after the Macguffin quest vs. any other time.


Thanks. What I can tell you is I repeatedly issued the council CLI function without getting any data back. Gave it a testrun today and it dumped the council text out just fine. So it could be lag, though it seemed fairly consistent once I was in that state.


If you switched from one character to another before having the problem, it was probably a bug and not lag.


Staff member
I also tried switching characters and was unable to reproduce the issue. I submitted an experimental "fix" without being able to reproduce the issue.