Feature - Implemented Consumption-related ASH function additions

drinksilent(int, item): like eatsilent(int, item) in that it just does it without warning about stuff (for booze, warning if you don't have Ode active).

For that matter, why is there no spleen(int, item) ASH function? And spleensilent(int, item) just to be complete, though this wouldn't do anything interesting right now because there aren't any spleen item helpers.
There's no need for a spleen() function because those items simply use(). It would be redundant.
Does overdrink() also suppress the Ode warning? It sounds like that is what wrldwzrd89 is asking for, though I don't know why you would want that.
Does overdrink() also suppress the Ode warning? It sounds like that is what wrldwzrd89 is asking for, though I don't know why you would want that.

Yes. Apparently the problem with the command is its name then? I think that functionality might have been added to the existing function.
overdrink just suppresses all of the warnings: the overdrink warning, the ode warning, the "why are you trying to drink vinegar you crazy idiot" warning. But it does suppress overdrink, and that's the main use for most people, so the name makes sense.