

I really hope I haven't overlooked something obvious, like the last time I started a thread...

I decided to give a go at using the "consult" option for CCS... although I haven't been able to really find any documentation on this, I figured it was just entering "consult scriptname.ash" in the CCS area for the specified monster(s).

I basically just wanted to use it to adventure in the Treasury, casting salve until I was at least within 10 HP of my max HP, so hopefully I'd only have to buy 1 ailment, if any, instead of... a lot more, before moving back to the Gallery.

I took a look at Illarion's stasis script, to see if there was anything special that needed to be done... didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I gave it a go, trying:

if((my_maxhp() - my_hp()) >= 10)
use_skill(1,$skill[Saucy Salve]);
visit_url( "fight.php?action=attack");

and, umm... wow.

You don't have a skill matching "1 Saucy Salve"
Script succeeded!

^ That was repeated until I frantically hit "stop"...

Is there a different way this should be handled, or is this a bug?