Feature Consider Rain Monsters in Location Details pane

Mafia knows the water depth, and it knows whether a location is indoors/outdoors/underground, right? In that case, it would be awesome if the appropriate Rain Monster was considered in Location Details, since they have different stats than the "native" species.

ie. for the Defiled Nook, with Water Level 6, Mafia would predict spiny skelelton, toothy sklelton, giant skeelton, and giant tardigrade.
This would more generally get lumped in with tracking all wandering monsters, whether holiday-based or path-based (bees, probably other stuff I'm forgetting). I have no plans to implement any of that, but if someone else does then it probably shouldn't be limited to just Heavy Rains wanderers.
Realistically, if this were actually to happen, then the GT would have a 0% chance until it hit its window, and then have a rising 10% chance the first round of its counter, 11% chance the second, 12% the third, 17% the fourth, all the way up to 100% chance the tenth. Which makes this basically just a less useful version of the Guide relay script, which will already tell you what you can fight in which kind of location for what reward.

I don't think this would really help much. Unless appearance_rates gets tweaked to instead provide a rough amalgam of how many of each type of monster you'll fight in the zone given a number of rounds, rather than just presenting chance on the next round.