Combat Strategy?


While this topic isn't strictly about scripting I'm sticking it in here as I'm using the information gathered here as a idea base for the various methods of combat for which a script I am writing will use. Feel free to move it if deemed inappropriate for this section of the forums.

-=The Reasoning=-
So to the reason I'm having this post. With the coming of monster crits, the simple script of maxing moxie and then safely plinking to victory has pretty much been crushed. (Heh yes, monster crits, old news eh?... I took my sweet time to decide on making this post or not.) Anyway, I have also started revamping my own scripts with a updated "adventuring" ability. (It's effectively a ASHed version of the CCS, the project is probably not worth the effort since the coming of the "consult" (Which I still don't understand) but I always figured that the CCS still lacks the ability to handle a battle on a per-battle-progress basis rather then a per-monster basis. (This may be wrong since as I said before I don't understand how consult works))

-=The Request=-
I am requesting descriptions and personal opinions of various combat tactics. The more tactics the better. For example the "stasis" or "plinking" and "LTS" tactics must be some of the more well known in the KoL playerbase. But stasis requires a pretty extensive skill base and very good combat calculation handling (From what I've seen of it anyway). LTS on the other hand is much more simple, with plinking being even easier. (But simple only attack plinking is fatally flawed due to monster crits) In other words I'm looking for various tactics which can be used by different people, with different skill sets and restrictions. Personal opinions on the various tactics are welcome and "hashed together" example scripts of the tactics would be very nice.

-=Current Script Progress=-
1. Identify when adventure results in combat or non-combat. Done.
2. If non-combat, realise if it is a choice or non-choice. In-progress (Easily done by checking the HTML for choice boxes?).
3. If choice then handle accordingly. In-progress (Heh since I can use get_property, once I update a map with choicenumber to adventure name this should be quite easily done).
4. If combat, calculate various stat estimates.
4 (a). ID the monster. Done (As in monster name).
4 (b). Calculate maximum damage the monster can do. Done (Although I can't say how accurate it is).
4 (c). Calculate chance of hitting the monster with a "normal attack". Done (Once again how accurate, I don't know).
4 (d). Calculate the chance of dodging a normal monster attack. Done (Yet once again).
5. Figure out what type of tactic would be appropriate unless a manually entered tactic is found. In-progress (Due to my lack of understanding of various tactics I current have the script automatically only use "Default Attack")
6. Factor in in-battle events such as taking damage and such into the tactic choice consideration. In-progress (As stated above it is currently set to only use "Default Attack").
7. Misc-Goal, have the script do a guess of what type of tactic will be used and equip self accordingly by factoring in current stats, equipment, etc and the adventure location, also have it factor in farming for "stats" or "items" and boost accordingly too.

The major reason I'm not posting in the official forums is that threads like these will generally start off with some helpful comments but then come the random people that start throwing in comments such as "zomg stasis r teh seckz" and other pointless comments.

Oh and feel free to link me to helpful sites which contain information about this. It's just that the sites I've seen focus on tactics which need a character which a skill set of "at least" x, y and z. While that is useful, I'm looking for a "range" of tactics with extra information being a bonus rather then a few select tactics with additional information being the focus.