Feature - Rejected Collect dungeoneering kit during breakfast


Would it be possible to implement a breakfast task, or possibly daily deed, to use a GameInformDailyPowerPro magazine (scrapping the old one if necessary), click through the walkthrough, and then hit level 1 for the dungeoneering kit? It doesn't consume any turns, and is kind of a pain to do manually. Ideally, hitting level 1 wouldn't trigger mood buffs and other between-adventure tasks, since it's a forced 0-turn noncombat.

Isn't this something people can do using some combination of the DailyPro scripts already? And if you aren't actually completing the magazines, why are you using them... it's just a waste of a perfectly good mall opportunity.
I suspect that the vast majority of people who get DailyPro magazines each day either want to use or sell them, as Theraze says. For those who don't, what you suggest sounds like a trivial script that you could write. I don't see any need to build it in to KoLmafia.
UseItemRequest can follow the chain of noncombats if you use it from CLI. Past that I think more automation is inappropriate.