CLI problem with Ronin check


New member
I think I have a little problem when I login through the CLI that I can't figure out, any help appreciated.

When I log in with either 11.7 or the last daily build (5209) it clearly shows I am Ronin clear (killed NS and freed the king). However, when I log in through the CLI (with either build) I get the following -

"You are not yet out of ronin."

For info the next action scripted once I login is my daily eating and drinking, including buying any food or drink I don't have. I have tried buying something in the CLI and I get the same message. I have checked for a setting somewhere that records whether I am in Ronin or not and cannot find one so I presume it must be in the code somewhere ? Anyone else have any ideas ?

EDIT: In case the above is not totally clear I only get the problem when I run the command line -
"java -jar KoLmafia-5209.jar --CLI script=scripts......."
I do not get the problem when i run it through the browser and graphical CLI.