Clan Basement Loot Display


Staff member
I'm looking for a script or a place to start. St Doodle has some pieces but I'm not sure they really are going to apply.

Script looks at all clan basement logs and extracts out (player, item) pairs for loot that was distributed. Ultimate goal would be an HTML page that lists players along one axis, items along the other and has an integer that means "this player has received this many of this item". Would prefer that the list of players and items be generated from data since then the script would still work if new players and items occur. It is also important that the script look at all logs since previous manual attempts always seem to have missed a log or two. I would rerun it periodically and expect it to trash the previous results and rerun rather than try and incrementally rebuild.

For my purposes, there will be approximately 25 unique user names and less than 100 basement runs and the numbers grow slowly so it doesn't have to scale for a large clan.



You might be able to grab a single line of regex from my scripts, but that's about it. Also, I don't have anything that works with historical (past) dungeon runs as of the latest KoL change to how they're displayed. :(