Cinderella/Stepmother trophy scripts

Three scripts for the three Cinderella trophies. They also get the six silver coins. The Frame and Kill scripts, I believe, use the fewest possible turns. The Vomit one does not. In order to do that, the Frame script quits out after framing her. This means no rewards (canapes, glass slipper).
The scripts will try to buy a grimstone mask if needed.


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I hate to mention it, but her name is Cindy, not Cinderella. ;) Other than that, well done. I'm sure those scripts will make the trophies a lot easier for some folk.
Which of those scripts scores me a 32? ;)

EDIT: And thanks!


I did a "maximize mp regen" and put in a "if (contains_text(raw_url, "adventure")) cli_execute("burn extra mp");" before visit_url because I'm silly like that and now I'm drowning in buffs.


I got all three trophies without a hitch. Thanks again.
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32? Dang. Someone did beat Cannonfire40's Cindy31 script? Looks like it must be someone in Alliance from Hell that figured it out. I've got my own Cow Creamer, so it won't help me, but I really, really want to know how they managed those extra points.
32? Dang. Someone did beat Cannonfire40's Cindy31 script? Looks like it must be someone in Alliance from Hell that figured it out. I've got my own Cow Creamer, so it won't help me, but I really, really want to know how they managed those extra points.
There are three 32's on the board now. All of them Alliance clans.
Yup. That's why I'm guessing it was someone in Alliance from Hell who figured it out and shared it with his clannies.
32? Dang. Someone did beat Cannonfire40's Cindy31 script? Looks like it must be someone in Alliance from Hell that figured it out. I've got my own Cow Creamer, so it won't help me, but I really, really want to know how they managed those extra points.


32 points figured out, over here, too.
Sorry for the delay. Mafia forums don't tell me when someone replies. Ravien was the one who first got 32. The other accounts you guys mentioned were just multis used to test the script out after the fact.
I already have the cow creamer (it's in my display case) so I have nothing to gain, but I would be grateful to learn how 32 points is possible if someone is willing to share.
If you are at 0 hp, e.g. after having done the big, bad wolf section of the mask adventures, the script purchases a mask, uses it and then stops with no error message. Dunno if this is a prevalent enough issue that you want to put in some checks before starting adventuring.
Belatedly, somebody ought to put the 32-point Cinderella high-score script in this thread. It's from the AFH forums, but appears to have had input from several people including Ezandora, not sure who to credit here...


I've been investigating Grimstone for canAdventure support and I was reminded that my newest multi hasn't played in any of these mini-games. So, he's doing the spading I need for my PR to deal with this content.

Anybody else who hasn't done everything might enjoy my all-in-one script for the stepmother mini-game. I call it Cindy.ash

Cindy 32cf - Cannonfire40's 32-point solution
Cindy 32ez - Ezandora's 32-point solution
Cindy 32 - one of the above, randomly selected.
Cindy vomit - 16 point, 6 odd silver coins, and a trophy
Cindy frame - 17 point, 6 odd silver coins, and a trophy
Cindy kill - 0 points, 6 odd silver coins, and a trophy

They all use 30 turns, except the 'kill' run, which takes 15 turns.

