Choosing your chips from the Rumpus room


New member
So macman104 on the kol forum pointed me in the right direction for writing a script to allow me to choose which chips I wanted with the breakfast function instead of being stuck w/ the default random that mafia does. When I asked if there was a place to share this he pointed me here. I've attached the "code". Just download, modify the values to get the chips you want and go to the task tab and add as a login script.

//This gets your chips a 1 is moxie a 2 is muscle and a 3 is mysticality so change values as desired, i get 2 moxie and 1 muscle
//This does the claw machine 3x
//This gets meat from the meat orchid

I don't have access to the potted meat plant so i've not added it but using the minibrowser to go there it shows the url need and all you would need to do is add it to the end of the file. The comments shown above are not in the downloadable file as I didn't know what the proper escape character for comments was. If anyone wants to modify and repost this script they are more than welcome to. Having extra lines for items not in your clan doesn't seem to affect anything, my HC multi had no problems with the script trying to get meat. Having said that i've only tested this on two characters and only briefly so use at your own risk. Hope this is helpful

