check for quest status in scripting


New member
Is there any way to check if a specific quest is available and not yet completed?
Or is this something dev doesn't want happening?

If there is no way of checking, and it would be ok, then an ASH command like <string council_to_string()> that you could then use with the <boolean contains_text( string source, string query )> command to check if the council has given you the quest and you haven't completed it yet.

Ex: check for boss bat quest completion:
if(contains_text( council_to_string(), "You have not yet slain the Boss Bat"))
   print("Go kill the boss bat");

I would use this functionality in a script that checks status and if the quest is available but not yet completed, the script would (as suggested in code) be redirected to a quest_completion() method that does just as its name says.

EDIT: Right you are... I didn't know about that function. After testing, it works perfectly. Thanks for the pointer
I take it you haven't been informed of the visit_url( string URL) function then eh?

It returns the html of the url as a string... effectively means you already have the council to string command.
In particular, using visit_url("questlog.php?which=2") will provide you a handy snapshot of what's done, and visit_url("questlog.php?which=1") will let you know what's in progress.