Bug - Fixed Change first semirare window from 71-81 to 70-80


Since the issue was brought up in the First Semi-rare Counter thread, which is now marked as fixed, I'm making a new thread. The discussion started here.

It's a really simple change: the first semi-rare can be on turn 71, so 70 is an acceptable cookie number since it will trigger right before the 71rst turn.

I made a patch to make the submit easier, but it's really just changing 71 and 81 to 70 and 80 in ValhallaManager.java when the Semirare window begin/end is set.


Thanks slyz.

the first semi-rare can be on turn 71, so 70 is an acceptable cookie number since it will trigger right before the 71rst turn.

That happened to me last ascension. My fortune cookie gave me turn 71, so KoLmafia thought it was too soon! I had to manually add the counter so that I would know when to get my semi-rare. Thank goodness I paid attention.
Maybe it's better to change it to 70-81, because today I got my semirare outside of semirare window?

[81] Haunted Pantry
Encounter: The Pilsbury Doughjerk
You acquire tasty tart (3)

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You will get the SR on turn 81 when your SR counter is (generated in valhalla to be) 80.
I bet mafia showed the "end of semirare window counter" at 0 adventures remaining after your 80th adventure (right before you got this semirare).