Since the issue was brought up in the First Semi-rare Counter thread, which is now marked as fixed, I'm making a new thread. The discussion started here.
It's a really simple change: the first semi-rare can be on turn 71, so 70 is an acceptable cookie number since it will trigger right before the 71rst turn.
I made a patch to make the submit easier, but it's really just changing 71 and 81 to 70 and 80 in when the Semirare window begin/end is set.
It's a really simple change: the first semi-rare can be on turn 71, so 70 is an acceptable cookie number since it will trigger right before the 71rst turn.
I made a patch to make the submit easier, but it's really just changing 71 and 81 to 70 and 80 in when the Semirare window begin/end is set.