Bug - Fixed Carton of snake milk messes with fullness counter when you use hake]



I had 13/15 fullness, and a carton of snake milk. When I used [shake] to get 3 blobs of cream cheese, Mafia's fullness counter upped to 16/15, as if I ate the carton instead of shaking it. This caused me not to be able to eat the cream cheese via Mafia command, returning:

> eat glob of cream cheese
(usable quantity of glob of cream cheese is limited to -1 by fullness)

The counter is fixed when I hit the reload button on the gcli sidebar.
Sounds like the links aren't getting parsed correctly in the relay browser. Could also be an issue with the item's metadata not set correctly in the data files. Or both at once.
I added the same special case handling that fortune cookies have in 16423. Both of those could be detected by seeing that the URL is inv_use.php instead of inv_eat.php, but helpers use inv_use.php so that's not so simple.