Bug Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?


Manually adventuring with CPP equipped and a combat macro set to autoattack, and noticed that mafia didn't seem to recognize that my CPP ate two enemies in a row


  • Screenshot 2025-03-01 121245.png
    Screenshot 2025-03-01 121245.png
    402.7 KB · Views: 7
What's in the log just above acquiring the Wint-o-Fresh mint from the trainset? How does the full fight look (and does it log the plant kill)?

We'll need HTML to sort this as we do have a passing test that checks this.
After Battle: You gain 7 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 12 Sarcasm
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf (3)
After Battle: Mad Sweeney is upset that his mental stimulation need wasn't met.
After Battle: You gain 1 Magicalness
You acquire an item: exotic jungle fruit
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 22 to 21
Preference _juneCleaverStench changed from 41 to 42
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from pumpkin spice wraith to suckubus
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 279 to 280
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 1459 to 1460
> no scolds (o_o)_b

[623] Infernal Rackets Backstage
Preference lastEncounter changed from suckubus to inkubus
Encounter: inkubus
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20250301200733 to 20250301200750
Round 0: binnyv wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Candy Factory. As your train passes the candy factory, you pick up some random candy.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 212 to 213
You acquire an item: Wint-O-Fresh mint
Round 1: binnyv wins the fight!
After Battle: A love grub shyly approaches you and hands you some extra Meat.
Preference lovebugsMeatDrop changed from 2 to 3
I noticed _carnivorousPottedPlantWins never incrementing despite having it equipped for 800+ turns.
Checking the session log, it's just not being tracked when it activates.
I suspect the issue is the activation text isn't enclosed in a tag
the text hasn't changed but maybe a KoL change has changed how it's output in fight.php now?
Last edited:
Apologies I didn't look before I posted.

My accounts are done for the day but I will grab the HTML after rollover (assuming my browser lets me, clicking view frame source resubmits fight.php so I have to use inspect to see the current page).
You could turn on debug logging before forcing a page reload.
You can force that by clicking on the “last adventure” link in the charpane.
We want the debug logging version, the browser version may have parsed tags or inconsistent spacing. Also it gets changed by Mafia.

You'll need to run "debug on", then run your adventures until you get lucky (and then you can "debug off") -- as the potted plant ends the fight, you can't reload the page afterwards.

If it is just that the plant message no longer starts with <p> I might bug report that.
We want the debug logging version, the browser version may have parsed tags or inconsistent spacing. Also it gets changed by Mafia.

You'll need to run "debug on", then run your adventures until you get lucky (and then you can "debug off") -- as the potted plant ends the fight, you can't reload the page afterwards.

If it is just that the plant message no longer starts with <p> I might bug report that.
Took a while but I got one. See attached.
Comparing it with kolmafia\test\root\request\test_fight_potted_plant.html it looks like the <p> has been lost.

