Bug - Not A Bug cannot feed slimeling


New member
debian linux firefox , mafia version 9201

from cli tried the commands:

slimeling use tomato
slimeling consume tomato
slimeling use dire fudgesicle
slimeling consume dire fudgesicle

[use tomato] has no matches.
[consume tomato] has no matches.
[use dire fudgesicle] has no matches.

the items are in inventory. :(

ugh found the problem... omit use / consume ... help slimeling shouldn't have those words in there then.
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1) You can't feed the slimeling anything. Surprisingly, you can't feed food.
2) Type "slimeling <item>" to feed something, not "slimeling use <item>" or "slimeling consume <item>".

Marking this as Not a Bug.

EDIT: I completely forgot - you might be interested in the script linked in my signature!
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ugh found the problem... omit use / consume ... help slimeling shouldn't have those words in there then.

If you compare with help text for other commands, you'll notice that only the stuff before - is part of the command, and everything else is just informative.