Bug - Fixed Cannot compile Mafia using Jikes


For quite some time it has been impossible for me to compile Mafia (unmodified sources from SVN trunk, to be exact) using Jikes (version 1.22, under Linux). On the same system Mafia builds fine using javac, from both Oracle JDK and OpenJDK.

The problem occurs on line 70 in src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/moods/HPRestoreItemList.java, with the compiler complaining about not being able to find the class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.StaticEntity. This looks like a possible bug in Jikes - not only is StaticEntity quite clearly imported earlier on in that file and the compiler does correctly report its full name in the error message, it is also possible to work around the problem simply by changing "extends StaticEntity" to "extend net.sourceforge.kolmafia.StaticEntity".

PS. Given a quick Google search has informed me Jikes is considered obsolete nowadays (at least by some people anyway), maybe this is a sign it's time to drop Jikes support in Mafia instead of trying to fix this problem?


I personally don't want to drop Jikes support, since in being outdated, it's really good at finding complexities in code that you wouldn't notice otherwise.
