I haven't really tested it yet since it's not complete, but I have some questions regarding it, they're all in the script after the ##
I know the script relies heavily on cli_execute(), most of the questions are exactly about that, if anyone has any tips on that, do share with me =)
Cleanup.ash isn't included in there because it's in my home PC and I'm inmy laptop right now, but I know that works already.
I know the script relies heavily on cli_execute(), most of the questions are exactly about that, if anyone has any tips on that, do share with me =)
foreach it in $items[cold wad, hot wad, stench wad, sleaze wad, spooky wad]
buy(3, it);
use_skill(3, $skill[rainbow gravitation]);
## Function for sending meat?
cli_execute("csend 1 meat to HastyBuffer");
cli_execute("csend 2 meat to HastyBuffer");
cli_execute("csend 3 meat to HastyBuffer");
cli_execute("wait 60");
use(2, $item[Milk of Magnesium]);
## Will it buy the cheapest?
foreach it in $items[hot hi mein, cold hi mein, stinky hi mein, spooky hi mein, sleazy hi mein]
min(mall_price(it, it);
buy(3, it, 3500);
eat(3, it);
equip($item[brimstone beret]);
use_skill(3, $skill[ode to booze]);
drink(3, $item[cherrybomb]);
drink(1, $item[pumpkin beer]);
use(3, $item[agua de vida]);
use(1, $item[prismatic wad]);
use_skill(1, $skill[canelloni cocoon]);
maximize("2.0 meat, 0.75 HP", false);
if(available_amount($item[stinky cheese eye] = 0)
cli_execute("squeeze stinky cheese eye");
equip(acc3, $item[stinky cheese eye]);
equip acc3 stinky cheese eye
if (have_familiar($familiar[Obtuse Angel]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[Obtuse Angel]);
use_familiar($familiar[Obtuse Angel]);
equip(fam, $item[quake of arrows]);
cli_execute("call aftercore.ash");
if (have_familiar($familiar[baby sandworm]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[baby sandworm]);
use_familiar($familiar[baby sandworm]);
equip(fam, $item[Li'l Businessman Kit]);
add_item_condition(5, $item[agua de vida]);
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
equip(fam, $item[none]);
## Is this how you unequip?
if (have_familiar($familiar[rogue program]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[rogue program]);
use_familiar($familiar[rogue program]);
equip(fam, $item[Li'l Businessman Kit]);
add_item_condition(5, $item[game grid token]);
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
equip(fam, $item[none]);
if (have_familiar($familiar[llama lama]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[llama lama]);
use_familiar($familiar[llama lama]);
equip(fam, $item[Li'l Businessman Kit]);
add_item_condition(5, $item[llama lama gong]);
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
equip(fam, $item[none]);
if (have_familiar($familiar[Li'l Xenomorph]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[Li'l Xenomorph]);
use_familiar($familiar[Li'l Xenomorph]);
equip(fam, $item[Li'l Businessman Kit]);
add_item_condition(5, $item[transponder transporter]);
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
equip(fam, $item[none]);
if (have_familiar($familiar[hobo monkey]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[hobo monkey]);
use_familiar($familiar[hobo monkey]);
equip(fam, $item[Li'l Businessman Kit]);
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
equip(fam, $item[none]);
## Is there afunction for buying raffles?
cli_execute("raffle 20");
equip($item[brimstone beret]);
use_skill(1, $skill[ode to booze]);
drink(1, $item[cherry bomb]);
## Is there a function for squeezing?
cli_execute("squeeze stinky cheese diaper");
cli_execute("fold loathing legion moondial");
if (have_familiar($familiar[Disembodied Hand]) = true && my_familiar() = !$familiar[disembodied hand]);
use_familiar($familiar[disembodied hand]);
maximize("adv", false);
cli_execute("call 5 - HASTEBRO cleanup.ash");
Cleanup.ash isn't included in there because it's in my home PC and I'm inmy laptop right now, but I know that works already.