Bug - Cannot Reproduce Buddy Bjorn Occupant in Gear Changer frame


Staff member
Bjorn buddy equipped. Familiar in it, as indicated by relay browser and combat messages.

Gear Changer->Customizable shows Buddy Bjorn: as (none).

I have seen the familiar listed and I think the (none) occurs when I change into an outfit that has the Buddy. I originally thought the outfit did not include the familiar, but I don't believe that is the case.
What does my_bjorned_familiar() give when that happens?

> ash my_bjorned_familiar()

Returned: none
combat => false
hatchling => none
image => debug.gif
name =>
charges => 0

but in the relay browser immediately after the command

outfit("MaxExp") is executed as a side effect of my login script.

I just ran it from the gCLI...
> ash outfit("MaxExp")

Returned: true

> ash my_bjorned_familiar()

Returned: Ghost Pickle on a Stick
combat => true
hatchling => ghost pickle on a stick
image => familiar19.gif
name => PeggyLee
charges => 0

which is what I would expect.

This is marked New Content. It was actually done after we added the Crown of Thrones and Buddy Bjorn to the Gear Changer, so, if anything, it is a Bug Report on a recent Feature. I will change the status of this.

If you are currently wearing either the Crown of Thrones of the Buffy Bjorn, when we visit the terrarium, the appropriate familiars will have a "kick out of Crown of Thrones" or a "kick out of Buddy Bjorn" link. If you are not wearing the equipment, the familiars will have no link indicating such.

However, doing a desc_item on the equipment will show the the carried familiar, and we do that when refreshing your status (e.g., when logging in) if you have either the Crown or the Bjorn not-equipped, so we should know all your carried familiars. Therefore, the Gear Changer should have the familiar already configured - but greyed out, if it is not current equipment. Switching into an outfit with the equipment should enable configuration.

I just logged in, wearing rollover equipment.
My Gear Changer showed familiars in both the Crown of Thrones and the Buddy Bjorn
I switched to an outfit with the Crown
My Gear Changer showed the correct familiar in the Crown - and it was enabled for configuration.

Which is to say, everything worked the way I expected.

Until/unless you can give us a reproducible way to see what you reported in this Bug Report, there is nothing we can do.
I logged in, switched to the outfit with the Bjorn, saw the gear change said (none). I then went to the relay browser to verify and write steps to reproduce. In the process of doing so I did an inventory refresh and the problem was fixed. I will log out and verify but this is either fixed or worked around with an inventory refresh and either situation is satisfactory. I will update if the refresh is required, otherwise this has been resolved.

Edit: Something still gives me an unexpected (none) but when I try to record the steps I can't make it happen. :-( I'll call this closed and blame the (none) on operator error.
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No. An "inventory refresh" is a workaround. No workarounds. Data model correctness.

You have a familiar in your Bjorn? Log in and see my_bjorned_familiar(). And get a DEBUG log of the desc_item for your Buddy Bjorn if it doesn't show your familiar.