Breakfast Script


New member
I need help on my first script I am attempting to customize.

use 1 milk of magnesium
eat 3 hot hi mein
drink 1 shot of rotgut
drink 7 white canadian
use 3 not-a-pipe
use 3 twinkly wad

So far, it is like that. However, I cannot figure out how to make it adventure at the Degrassi Knoll: The Gym. However, it is even a little more complicated because I want it to be able to comprehend the moon phases. Meaning, the day before a muscle day, I would like for it to bank 150 adventures. Is this possible? If so, any help would be nice.

Thank you.
Hi Savior! Welcome to scripting. :)

As soon as you're looking for conditional actions - that is, "if it's the day before muscle day, do this; otherwise, do that" - you're going to want to shift from CLI scripts to ASH scripts. You can start learning about ASH here:

This example shows exactly what you're looking for:

The best way to learn about scripts, though, is to use some and tweak them to your own liking. <shameless plug> You may find that EatDrink.ash is a good place to start. It analyzes every food, drink, and spleen item in the game and picks the ones best suited for your character and budget, every day, based on real-time mall prices.,2038.0.html

Good luck!