Bug - Cannot Reproduce Breakfast not checking Hippy Stand


New member
Title says it all. Breakfast doesn't check the Hippy Stand, but I can visit it and get meat via the relay browser. I dug up an older thread, and my get filthLastClearanceValue is -1. I don't know what that means though.

I have been able to reproduce this bug when logging into my multis via Mafia and checking the Hippy Stand.


If you're still in the IW, also pref sidequestOrchardCompleted. Also currentHippyStore. One (both?) of these would have to be either 'hippy' or 'fratboy' for breakfast to put on the uniform and go get the meat for you. If you're not in the IW... more details about your current status would help people help you figure it out.

~ Nifft


Active member
well, if that setting is -1 it means it has never been set so either you are still in the war on your first run or the setting have been reset. Try typing "ash set_property("filthLastClearanceValue", my_ascensions())" into the CLI and see if that helps. Either that or go visit the hippy store in the relay browser. That usually solves the problem for me when a setting such as that one is of.


Staff member
I've never had any problem, over numerous ascensions, with KoLmafia knowing exactly how you completed the sidequest. The usual advice - visit the hippy store in the Relay Browser - will detect that, but only if it thinks it hasn't figured it out yet. If the "lastFIlthClearance" property is already set to my_ascensions(), it doesn't bother.

I've seen so many reports like this that Revision 9439 will look at the produce EVERY time you visit the store and will make all of the following setting consistent:

lastFilthClearance - if you have speciall produce, my_ascensions(). Otherwise, untouched
currentHippyStore - none, hippy, fratboy
sidequestOrchardCompleted - none, hippy, fratboy

So the standard advice should now work every time: visit the hippy store in the Relay Browser and it should work from then on. I have no idea how your settings got incorrect values. I don't especially feel like trying to figure it out.

Just visit in the Relay Browser and fix your settings. I'm closing this.