boolean worth_a_pull(item item_to_check)


New member
I was wondering if anyone had already made a script that checks if the inputted item is worth a pull.

The worthiness aspect would be based on whether or not it is reasonable to try to farm for the item at a low level (in ronin).

The only method of doing this that i can think of is something like:

boolean worth_pull(item item_to_check)
	if(item_to_check == $item[pine-fresh air freshener] || item_to_check == $item[<easy item 2>] || etc...)
		return false;
	return true;
... or I suppose you could do it the opposite way, checking of the item is worthy of a pull in the if().

As you can see, this would get redundant (not to mention long) to script. So please let me know if anyone has 1) already done something similar to this and is willing to share it, or 2) has a more efficient/shorter method

So to clarify, the idea is to return false if the inputted item is easy enough to get that I shouldn't burn a pull on it, and true if I should.

My primary concern with this is equipment and low-level quest-related items... it would be insane to check every single item in the game.
Personally I feel it would be waaaaay too clunky to do what your doing (sticking the items to check on a single line, I personally would do something like this:
boolean[ item]WorthPullMap;
WorthPullMap[ $item[pine-fresh air freshener] = true;

boolean Worth_Pull( item CheckItem)
 foreach VarItem in WorthPullMap
 if( VarItem == CheckItem && WorthPullMap[ VarItem] = true)
  return( false);
 return( true);
This way means if at a later date you have the urge to expand the abilities of this script you can quite easily then add in other conditionals to check if it really is worth a pull or not. Plus it allows easy adding and removing of items that are worth pulling, "easy" meaning more organized than a long if line.