Bug "Blessing of your favorite bird" and I assume other modifiers, are untracked after breaking prism


Build 28062,
Starting in a You, Robot run, the modifier is correct up until I break the prism.

> js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your    favorite bird"), "Item Drop")

Returned: 50

[393]    Freeing King Ralph

> js    numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird"), "Item Drop")

Returned:    50
Preference questL13Final changed from step13 to finished
Preference    kingLiberated changed from false to true
Retrieving character data...

>    js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird"), "Item    Drop")

Returned: 0

Bunch of other things happened during the prism break, script doing pulls and so on. But even after that it still reports 0.
Doing a refresh all however, fixes it.

So the problem is probably just that liberateKing in KoLCharacter.java has ModifierDatabase.resetModifiers(); but those modifiers were not loaded again. Didn't test if other modifiers were effected.

> js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your    favorite bird"), "Item Drop")

Returned: 0

>    refresh all

Loading character status...
Refreshing    session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character    data...

> CURRENT: refresh all
>    QUEUED 1: js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite    bird"), "Item Drop")

Updating inventory...
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2070 to 2071
Examining Meat    in closet...
Updating closet...
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2071 to 2072
Retrieving quest    data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving    campground data...
You are currently a member of The Average Clan
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2072 to 2073
Seeing what's    still unrestricted today...
Done checking allowed items.
Session    data refreshed.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from    2073 to 2074
Preference floristFriarChecked changed from true to false
Preference    floristFriarChecked changed from false to true

>    js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird"), "Item    Drop")

Returned: 50