Feature - Rejected Barroom Brawl Stats


Stats seem to be up for the Barroom Brawl on the Wiki :

drunken 7-foot dwarf - hp 7, Att 8, Def 9
plastered frat orc - hp7, Att 10, Def 8
skeleton with a mop - hp 7, Att 8, Def 8
unemployed knob goblin - hp 5, Att 6, Def 6
werecougar - hp 6, Att 8, Def 8

Drop rate for Beer Lens from Unemployed Knob Goblin is 25% Cond. (The Cond is based on number dropped that day. The first two drops will be intact. Then there is a 50% chance that a drop is ground to dust. Once a third one drops intact, all others will be ground to dust - http://kolspading.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=134)


Does KoLmafia track the number of beer lenses that drop per day? If not, I'd like to request that this feature be added. It would make adding beer lenses to a daily farming script easier, and with the current prices of beer lenses, it seems like a profitable thing to do. I understand the KoLmafia developers are busy people with their own priorities and that this is a fairly low priority, but thanks for your consideration.


All of this spade data is presently implemented. There is a goal for "+3 beer lens" pre-configured. In "recent" and "session results" you can see how many have dropped today (minus any you've used). You can also see how many unemployed knob goblins you've encountered in the "encounter listing" section.