Bug - Not A Bug Bad items for monsters r12392

Stuff from the gCLI:

Bad item for monster "The Unkillable Skeleton": Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap (n0)
Bad item for monster "The Unkillable Skeleton": Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate (n0)
Yes. I'm going to close this, since it is subsumed by the Dreadsylvania New Content thread.

By the way - all we need is itemID and descID and you can do this:

> test newitem itemID descID

to generate exactly the information KoLmafia needs to enter an item.
Both items are missing itemid, one of them is missing descid. That new command was convenient for adding some of the other items today.
6477 Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 491370634 sk_chest.gif shirt 0
Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 300 Mus: 250
# Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate: +10 to Familiar Damage
Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate Experience (familiar): +1, Familiar Weight: +5, Class: "Turtle Tamer"
6476 Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap 226371100 sk_hat.gif hat 0
Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap 300 Mus: 250
Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap Muscle Percent: +50, Maximum HP: +500, HP Regen Min: 40, HP Regen Max: 80, Class: "Turtle Tamer"

If you need any currently known hardmode item I also have all of those.


Looking at item #6451...
Unknown item found: Great Wolf's beastly trousers (6451, 370491221)
6451 Great Wolf's beastly trousers 370491221 ww_pants.gif pants 0
Great Wolf's beastly trousers 300 Mus: 100
# Great Wolf's beastly trousers: Troubling Vulnerability to All Elements (-5)
Great Wolf's beastly trousers Weapon Damage Percent: +50, Familiar Weight: +10
Looking at item #6474...
Unknown item found: Drunkula's wineglass (6474, 607962582)
6474 Drunkula's wineglass 607962582 dr_wineglass.gif offhand 0
Drunkula's wineglass 300 Mys: 100
# Drunkula's wineglass: Prevents you from using skills and spells and combat items
# Drunkula's wineglass: Allows adventuring while falling-down drunk
Drunkula's wineglass Familiar Weight: -30
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Examining a custom tab in closet...
Updating inventory...
Looking at item #6473...
Unknown item found: Drunkula's ring of haze (6473, 252414329)
6473 Drunkula's ring of haze 252414329 dr_ring.gif accessory 0
Drunkula's ring of haze 300 Mys: 100
# Drunkula's ring of haze: The first attack against you will always miss
Drunkula's ring of haze Weapon Damage Percent: -100, Maximum HP: -200, Maximum MP: +300, Single Equip
Looking at item #6472...
Unknown item found: Drunkula's bell (6472, 917077226)
6472 Drunkula's bell 917077226 dr_bell.gif usable, combat reusable d 21337
# Drunkula's bell
Looking at item #6477...
Unknown item found: Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate (6477, 491370634)
6477 Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 491370634 sk_chest.gif shirt 0
Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 300 Mus: 250
# Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate: +10 to Familiar Damage
Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate Experience (familiar): +1, Familiar Weight: +5, Class: "Turtle Tamer"
Looking at item #6481...
Unknown item found: Unkillable Skeleton's restless leg (6481, 138108100)
6481 Unkillable Skeleton's restless leg 138108100 sk_leg.gif weapon 0
Unkillable Skeleton's restless leg 300 Mus: 100 2-handed staff
Unkillable Skeleton's restless leg Weapon Damage: +40, MP Regen Min: 20, MP Regen Max: 30
Looking at item #6482...
Unknown item found: Staff of the Roaring Hearth (6482, 467328835)
6482 Staff of the Roaring Hearth 467328835 sk_staff.gif weapon 0
Staff of the Roaring Hearth 10 Mys: 250 1-handed chefstaff
Staff of the Roaring Hearth Spell Damage Percent: +250, Hot Spell Damage: +40, MP Regen Min: 30, MP Regen Max: 35
Looking at item #6466...
Unknown item found: Mayor Ghost's sash (6466, 128879219)
6466 Mayor Ghost's sash 128879219 mg_sash.gif accessory 0
Mayor Ghost's sash 300 Mys: 100
Mayor Ghost's sash Item Drop: +30, Meat Drop: -30, Experience: -10, Single Equip
Looking at item #6465...
Unknown item found: Mayor Ghost's gavel (6465, 572924821)
6465 Mayor Ghost's gavel 572924821 mg_gavel.gif weapon 0
Mayor Ghost's gavel 10 Mus: 0 1-handed club
# Mayor Ghost's gavel: +50 Damage vs. Ghosts
# Mayor Ghost's gavel: Lets you hit ghosts with a gavel.
# Mayor Ghost's gavel: This gavel, specifically.
Mayor Ghost's gavel Critical Hit Percent: +10, Weapon Damage: +30
Looking at item #6450...
Unknown item found: Great Wolf's rocket launcher (6450, 229573706)
6450 Great Wolf's rocket launcher 229573706 ww_bazooka.gif weapon 0
Great Wolf's rocket launcher 300 Mox: 100 2-handed bazooka
# Great Wolf's rocket launcher: Lets you fire rockets Duh
Great Wolf's rocket launcher Ranged Damage: +50, Critical Hit Percent: +20, Single Equip
Looking at item #6452...
Unknown item found: Great Wolf's lice (6452, 639734327)
6452 Great Wolf's lice 639734327 ww_lice.gif usable, combat reusable d 21337
# Great Wolf's lice
Looking at item #6444...
Unknown item found: Quiets-Your-Steps (6444, 393898229)
6444 Quiets-Your-Steps 393898229 bb_shoes.gif accessory 0
Quiets-Your-Steps 300 Mox: 100
Quiets-Your-Steps Combat Rate: -5, Pickpocket Chance: +50, Initiative: -50, Single Equip
Looking at item #6445...
Unknown item found: Protects-Your-Junk (6445, 184362016)
6445 Protects-Your-Junk 184362016 bb_speedo.gif accessory 0
Protects-Your-Junk 350 Mox: 100
# Protects-Your-Junk: 75% Chance of Preventing Negative Status Attacks
# Protects-Your-Junk: Grants Protection from Dreadsylvanian Curses
Protects-Your-Junk Damage Reduction: 20, Single Equip
Looking at item #6443...
Unknown item found: Helps-You-Sleep (6443, 525663175)
6443 Helps-You-Sleep 525663175 bb_mask.gif accessory 0
Helps-You-Sleep 300 Mox: 100
Helps-You-Sleep Initiative: +75, Critical Hit Percent: +10, Single Equip
Looking at item #6509...
Unknown item found: cool iron breastplate (6509, 851159967)
6509 cool iron breastplate 851159967 dv_cichest.gif shirt 0
cool iron breastplate 250 Mus: 200
cool iron breastplate Damage Reduction: 20, Maximum HP: +200
Looking at item #6511...
Unknown item found: ghost shawl (6511, 939661068)
6511 ghost shawl 939661068 ghostshawl.gif container 0
ghost shawl 250 Mys: 200
ghost shawl Spell Damage: +50, Spell Critical Percent: +5
Looking at item #6510...
Unknown item found: cool iron greaves (6510, 622329943)
6510 cool iron greaves 622329943 dv_cigreaves.gif pants 0
cool iron greaves 250 Mox: 200
cool iron greaves Damage Reduction: 20, HP Regen Min: 20, HP Regen Max: 40
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Revision 12394 has all of this. Thanks, cannonfire40!

(We are all curious about hard mode zombie boss, eh?)
I wonder why mafia is parsing "combat item (reusable)" as "usable, combat reusable" instead of "none, combat reusable".
On my list of bugs to look at:

items that are only combat reusable should be none, combat reusable, not usable, combat reusable. Ex. Mayor Ghost's scissors

So, yes - I wonder that, too. It's something in DebugDatabase.typeToPrimary().

Edit: By the way - if you want to look into this, it's fine with me. Somebody other than me needs to understand how we parse the description text for unknown items & effects and register them.
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Lines 518-521:
if ( type.contains( "usable" ) || type.equals( "gift package" ) )
        return KoLConstants.CONSUME_USE;

Hmm. "usable" is contained in "combat (reusable)", right?
So we want to catch all of
combat / usable
usable (self or others)

but not
combat item (reusable)
In the future we might even need to catch
usable / combat item (reusable)
unless that gets done as
combat item (reusable) / usable

I'm thinking
type.startsWith( "usable" ) || type.contains( " usable" )
but I'm not sure I found everything that needs to be found.
Made that change to item parsing in 12455. Hopefully there aren't any weird cases that aren't handled properly as a result of it.