Feature - Implemented Back button broken


KoL natively marks certain pages for cache invalidation once you navigate away from it. KoLmafia has always let your browser step back through the cache and see previous pages. I use the back button frequently. Sometimes it's because I missed a detail on a page and want to go back and see it. Sometimes it's just for speed, to be able to re-render a cached inventory page by hitting back is much much faster than refreshing it. I consider the way KoLmafia has worked to be an added feature of the relay browser beyond running directly in the browser.

This was changed in 26810, and it now invalidates pages immediately. It would be nice to be able to use the previous behavior, where the back button actually works. Maybe this behavior could be optional, so we can check an option in the Relay Browser section under preferences.


Staff member
So for clarity KoL sends the following headers:
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

and before 26810 KoLMafia sent the following headers:
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate

I changed this to simplify the code because I didn't expect this use-case.

Interestingly (?) for me, the back button sometimes worked, and sometimes didn't work. Sometimes I could go back to check a monster message, and sometimes I got "Not in a Fight".