Bug - Fixed Awkward tracking of questL04Bat


I have just discovered that tracking step2 of questL04Bat is internal and slightly flawed. (Relic of the past when the Quest log tracked that step, I guess.) This is a rather minor, but noticeable bug.

When I am at step2 of questL04Bat and use a sonar-in-a-biscuit KoLmafia advances questL04Bat to step3. That is great, but unfortunately if I do not have the aforementioned sonar-in-a-biscuit (by clicking on the [use] link an extra time) there is a problem. KoLmafia does not recognize the failure message and advances the tracking to step3 even though I do not yet have access to the Boss Bat's Lair.

I then check my quest log and KoLmafia properly reduces questL04Bat to step1 since it can see I'm not actually at step3. I'm on step2, but KoLmafia does not recognize that. I look at place.php?whichplace=bathole in the hopes that mafia will see I have access to the Beanbat Chamber, but it still doesn't upgrade me to step2.

The tiny problem is that KoLmafia is no longer displaying step2, so Guide is telling me I still need to open the Beanbat Chamber.

Suggested Fixes:
  1. Recognize success messages (plural) for sonar-in-a-biscuit.
  2. Recognize failure message: "You don't have the item you're trying to use."
  3. Recognize presence of opened chambers in place.php?whichplace=bathole links.
r14569 recognises success messages (and thus doesn't have to recognise failure) and fixes the bathole opened chambers check after move to place.php. Untested.
This was an entirely different bug and Darzil successfully fixed it several months ago. Marking it fixed.