autosell(1,$item[dwarf bread])


This doesn't work!

or possibly i'm being dumb, I have a cleanup script that maintains a list of junk, and autosells stuff. i've found no reason to keep them so autosell them as part of the script.

however autosell(1,$item[dwarf bread]) says items sold, yet if I check my inventory, it hasn't actually sold any. Selling works fine from the relay browser, and everything else in my script sells fine.

Am I really being dumb or can anyone else reproduce this?


/me got bored and looked in traditems in the source, its marked as zero when (if my guess at what the numbers are is correct) it should be 21

still, my guesses are rarely correct!


Staff member
Yes. Apparently it was changed when the Dwarf Factory started dropping it. It used to be marked "cannot be discarded" and thus not be autosellable.