Autorecovery failed..... not crimbo related D:

I promise you it's not crimbo related Veracity and Fewyn.
I like knowing ash scripting and I'm learning today while I have time on my hands.

I don't know whether the last topic was aimed at that, but I defiantly wasn't.

My guy made of Bees script for sub-optimal battlefield for example, screwed me today.

It printed "autorecovery failed" repeatedly until my computer froze.
Is there a way to make the script stop if autorecovery fails?
That didn't seem to work...

Could you show me where it'd go?

boolean check_hp() {
	if (my_hp() <= my_maxhp() / 4){
boolean check_mp() {
	if (my_mp() <= my_maxmp() / 4){
void main() {
	while(my_adventures() > 0) {
		if(check_hp()) cli_execute("restore hp");
		if(check_mp()) cli_execute("restore mp");
		if(contains_text(visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=58"), "Combat"))
		else ("Not a Combat");
funny, that doesn't LOOK like a GMoB script

It looks like exactly what you have been asked repeatedly not to do.
[quote author=Duffkiligan link=topic=1377.msg6323#msg6323 date=1197767968]
My guy made of Bees script for sub-optimal battlefield for example, screwed me today.

Yes, the topic started because his "Guy Made of Bees script" failed on him today ... but the posted problem script has nothing to do at all with GMoB.
Well, you have evidence to back the charges and therefore I will refrain from further help. As are the admins wishes.
That script is a sample script...

Here's my GMoB script.

if(contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		abort("Quest problems, not right, something wrong, this is not bad yet not good.");
cli_execute("set choiceAdventure105 = 3");
	outfit("frat warrior fatigues");
	while(!contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		adventure(5, $location[haunted bathroom]);

Not the best put together script... I need to redo it. =[

And as I said, it was an EXAMPLE.
I would appreciate if you didn't jump to conclusions and read more closely.
As I stated in the KoL Forums, I'm in Bad Moon and haven't done anything with the toy factory. =/ Advent calender and dodecahedron only.
After Crimbo will be great, I should be out of my second bad moon by then (I should be the NS today, yay!). And I'll be able to test my scripts.

And yes, Hippymon, that was a script you made, but I want to modify, is there anything wrong with that? =/