Automated Smiling


Heres my first script, A friend of mine has a golden MR.A and sends smiles to our clan members each day. This just automates the process a little.

You can set the people you want to smile on in the map (LoathersToSmileOn) and keep a list there. If a player doesn't want the buff you can just set him/her to false and thus choose who gets the buffs each day easily.

//SMile on Loathers Script
//by Matt Chugg (mskc)

boolean [string] LoathersToSmileUpon;

LoathersToSmileUpon["mskc"] = true;
LoathersToSmileUpon["beerdude"] = true;
LoathersToSmileUpon["PlayerName"] = false;
LoathersToSmileUpon["PlayerName"] = false;
LoathersToSmileUpon["PlayerName"] = false;
LoathersToSmileUpon["PlayerName"] = false;
LoathersToSmileUpon["PlayerName"] = false;

void SmileOnLoathers() 
	if (have_skill($skill[The Smile of Mr. A.]))
		foreach Loather in LoathersToSmileUpon 
			if (LoathersToSmileUpon[Loather] = true)
				print("Smiling upon " + Loather);
				cli_execute("cast 1 smile on " + "Loather");
		print("You don't have the skill!");



  • [li]Check if the thing actually works (I don't have a Mr.A let alone a golden one)[/li]
    [li]Add options to buff more than once.[/li]
    [li]Check if player is in HC or Ronin and add options to let the user choose whether to buff these people (is it even possible to check if a player is in HC or ronin?)[/li]